Apprentice jockey Michael Straight, seriously injured in an Aug. 26 spill at Chicago’s Arlington Park, undergwent surgery for four fractured vertebrae at Luther General Hospital in Park Ridge, Ill. The Daily Racing Form reported Friday that Straight may be paralyzed as a result of the accident.
Following is an update from Dave Zenner, Senior Manager of Communications at Arlington Park:
Jockey Matthew Straight, twin brother of apprentice jockey Michael Straight who was injured in a Wednesday incident at Arlington Park, has issued the following statement regarding the condition of his brother.
"Mike's surgery last night was successful and everything went as planned. The doctors said it could not have gone any better. We know there is still a long way to go and now it's just a waiting game to see how good and how quick he heels up.
"He's off the majority of sedation and we're waiting for him to come out of it on his own. We know it's going to be a long road back and we're not going anywhere.
"Everybody has been so supportive with phone calls, e-mails and even Facebook messages. It hasn't gone unnoticed. Our family appreciates the support and the love. It's times like this that bring everyone together. Please keep Mike in your prayers.
"We appreciate everyone's support but also ask that you respect our family's privacy and when we feel it is the appropriate time to talk more publicly, we will do so."
There is also a link the Michael Straight Get Well Card on the right. You may send your thoughts, prayers and well wishes to the Straight family.
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